Mold Testing & Inspection, Santa Monica, CA
Looking for mold testing and inspection services in Santa Monica?
Lack of moisture control can lead to mold growth in your Santa Monica. Make sure your residence doesn’t have any leaks. Olders leaks which were not cleaned up may contribute to mold growth. Experts suggest drying wet areas within 2 days (preferably sooner) in order to prevent future problems. It’s also a good idea to clean and repair the roof gutters on a regular basis. Air conditioning drip pans should be kept clean since it is possible for mold to grow inside a HVAC system. Indoor mold may cause health problems; some individuals may develop an allergic reaction such as red eyes, sneezing and even dermatitis.
Here are a few tips to help you reduce humidity and decrease the chances of spores growing inside your home. Use the bathroom fan when showering and open the door when finished for the moisture to escape. Open the windpw of possible. Open the windows and doors frequently in order to improve circulation and air flow.
Not all mold is visible; some mold is hidden but may emit an odor. Mold may hide in areas which may not be immediately visible such as the back of flooring, dry water and carpet.
Contact Us today for a free price quote and consultation on our professional mold testing services in Santa Monica, CA.
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